Would you like to represent Nevada in a national senior chess championship?

Posted in News on June 11th, 2021 by Tom Brownscombe

Attention all Nevada senior chess players.  The US Chess Federation has announced that the 2021 US Open and all associated events, including the 4th Annual John T. Irwin National Tournament of Senior State Champions, will take place this summer in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.  Every state, including Nevada, may nominate one player to participate in the John T. Irwin National Tournament of Senior State Champions.  But, due to Covid-19 restrictions, Nevada has not been able to run a senior championship this year.  Even though we have no official senior state champion, we still wish to nominate a player to represent Nevada in the John T. Irwin National Tournament of Senior State Champions.  If you have any interest in traveling to Cherry Hill, New Jersey to represent Nevada in the John T. Irwin National Tournament of Senior State Champions, please contact Nevada Chess board member Tom Brownscombe at tkbrownscombe@hotmail.com no later than noon pacific time on Wednesday, June 16th.  The highest rated senior chess player who responds by noon on Wednesday, June 16 will be selected to represent Nevada in the the John T. Irwin National Tournament of Senior State Champions. The John T. Irwin National Tournament of Senior State Champions will be held at the Crown Plaza Philadelphia-Cherry Hill July 31-August 3.  For more information about the John T. Irwin National Tournament of Senior State Champions, please visit new.uschess.org/irwin.  For more information about the US Open and all of its side events, please visit http://www.uschess.org/tournaments/2021/usopen.

Nevada Chess Annual Membership Meeting & Elections

Posted in News on May 9th, 2021 by Alan Losoff

Nevada Chess will hold it’s annual membership meeting via zoom on Sunday, May 16th at 3 p.m.

With the adoption of the proposed bylaws revision all US Chess members residing in Nevada will automatically be members of Nevada Chess. Members age 18 and over are eligible to vote.

Current bylaws as PDF.

2021 Nevada Scholastics & Girls Final Results & Awards Ceremony

Posted in News on May 9th, 2021 by Alan Losoff

Standings for the Nevada Scholastic Championship and the Nevada Girls Scholastic Championship are now final after fair play analysis is complete. The awards ceremony will be held Sunday, May 16th at 2 p.m. by zoom.

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Welcome to the 2021 Nevada State Scholastics

Posted in News on April 13th, 2021 by Tom Brownscombe

Dear Nevada Scholastics participants,

Nevada Chess welcomes you to the 2021 Nevada Scholastic Championship, held with the Internet Chess Club (ICC).  As this is an online tournament, we would first like to go over some basic guidelines so that all participants are ready to play on ICC. Please review these guidelines and the more detailed rules and procedures prior to playing in this weekend’s event.

Town Halls/Technical Seminars

Friday, April 16 at 5PM

The zoom link will be posted at nevadachess.org/zoom/ 

Saturday, April 17at 8AM

The zoom link will be posted at nevadachess.org/zoom/

Sunday, April 18at 8AM

The zoom link will be posted at nevadachess.org/zoom/

We look forward to seeing you all on April 17th!

How to play

Follow these three simple steps to play:

1. Visit play.chessclub.com/LVC

2. Click the MEMBER LOGIN button on the left menu. 

3. Enter your username and password and click Submit.

A helpful visual aid to this process is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVFeHVNklyY and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqN0uRetLAs  Even though these videos were created for the New York Scholastic tournament, the information also applies for Nevada players.

Once logged in games will begin automatically at the designated start times. No further action is required.

          Using the play page is highly recommended. Using Blitzin or other ICC software is allowed, but the player accepts any risks by not using the recommended play page.

Important information regarding how to play

  • Login at least 30 minutes before the tournament starts
  • Make sure you login with the username you signed up into the tournament with. 
  • Do not create new usernames at the last minute! If you login with an incorrect username, you will not be paired and will be denied access to the chat room and to the tournament.
  • Devices allowed: desktop, laptop, or notebook computers, running Mac, Windows, or Linux.
  • Tablets can be used, it is not recommended to run Zoom with video on and play on the same device.
  • WARNING: Playing on a phone is not allowed. However a phone or tablet is a good option for running Zoom, especially the side/rear view camera. 
    • The use of a phone or additional device for any other reason except a Zoom camera is subject to penalty at the TD’s discretion up to immediate removal from the tournament.
  • Use of a physical set/board is not allowed, unless authorized by the director for accessibility reasons.
  • Board settings: click the OPTIONS button on the left hand menu. We recommend you turn these board options OFF: premove, drag and drop, auto-promote. Turn the ’email my games’ button ON if you want your game emailed to you.
  • At the appointed round time, players will automatically receive a “pop up” or “flash”, and all they have to do is accept the assigned pairing. 
    • Players who have not started their games at this time, or are having trouble, should contact their zoom TD. 
    • Players do not need to challenge their opponents or report their results, this is done automatically through ICC

If a player is not going to play a future round, or is withdrawing from the tournament, they must inform the Zoom TD at least 30 minutes before the next scheduled round in order to avoid a forfeit loss. 

PLEASE DO NOT FORFEIT BY LEAVING WITHOUT TELLING A TD. We want to make sure all players get to play every round!

Tournament Standings/Pairings 

Pairings, unofficial but live individual standings, and current games will be available during the event in real time on the ICC grids at https://www.chessclub.com/grid/LVC.

—-The above will help players log in to ICC and start their tournament games. Below lists other rules, guidelines, and procedures in more detail. This includes Zoom Rules and Requirements, Troubleshooting/Contact with TDs, Disconnection Policy, and appropriate Fair Play measures.

Zoom Requirements for Nevada Scholastics:

Two cameras, including at least one side/rear view camera, are required.  Cameras must show the player in his/her playing environment with view of the screen.  The TD will be looking for a view that shows the player (including their hands so we can see they are not accessing another device) and the player’s computer.  All players are required to be on zoom with two cameras.

Guidance for joining Zoom Meeting Rooms:

·        Make sure to test Zoom by arriving early (~30 min) to the event. We also recommend attending one of the town halls/technical meetings.

·        Players may leave the Zoom area once they have completed their game for that round. They should expect to rejoin their Zoom meeting rooms 15 minutes before the next scheduled round.

Zoom Rules:

  • Players must be visible on Zoom throughout their games, using their real first and last names.
  • Side/rear view cameras should be set so that they display the player, the player’s screen, and the surrounding playing area. The best location for this camera is on a separate device, clearly showing the player, the playing screen, and the surrounding area. The camera angle should be behind the user, possibly using a cell phone, that allows a view of the entire chess board, monitor, and mouse. Fixed laptop, desktop or Mac cameras are allowable.
  • No headphones or headsets will be allowed once games have started. 
  • Follow all directions given by the Zoom TD, and please keep in mind these might be in verbal announcements, screen shared visual aids, or most importantly direct chats.
  • The Zoom TD may on occasion require that Zoom cameras be adjusted if a player falls out of view of their side/rear view camera in order to see the screen and the playing environment.
  • Hint: Having Zoom running separate from your internet connection reduces the possibility of lag affecting your connectivity due to bandwidth issues for some, i.e. game board possibly freezing.  Make sure you test Zoom and your webcam before the event starts! 
  • Players with the wrong Zoom requirements, not following zoom TD directions, or who are not present throughout their games on Zoom will usually be given a warning before there is any penalty. Non-compliance may result in a player being ruled ineligible for prizes, and their score not counting for their team.
  • Players found to be accessing applications and/or windows outside of play.chessclub.com/LVC, Zoom, the tournament pairings/standings or the ICC grids during the event may be penalized at the tournament director’s discretion up to possible forfeiture.
    • Players are recommended to close all other windows, and to have Zoom running separate from your playing device. This reduces the possibility of lag affecting your connectivity.  Make sure you test Zoom and your webcam before the event starts

Be aware that being on Zoom and ICC is not the same thing! Players must be logged into ICC as well as the Zoom call in order to play in the tournament.

Break Policy:

Up to two breaks per round are permitted.  Additional breaks may be penalized at the tournament director’s discretion and will be a factor considered in “fair play” measures.

  • Before going on a break, players must type “break” or “restroom” in the Zoom chat with a Zoom TD and type “return” or “back” once they return.
  • A player may not leave for a break while on move.
  • NOTE: Players are warned that improvement of play after a break is considered highly suspicious and, depending on other factors, could lead to a player being forfeited and/or removed from the tournament.

Troubleshooting/Contact with a TD:

1.    If you have a problem during your game, or if you need a tournament director for any reason, you should take the following steps

a.     Contact the Zoom TD via the Zoom chat. The Zoom TD will respond and communicate with the player. Do not wait until the end of your game. If it appears your opponent has not moved for a considerable amount of time, the player should contact the zoom TD.

b.    Use the channel chatroom setup for the tournament (Channel 401)

2.    If a TD needs to contact the player during the game they will take the following approach

a.     Contacting the player on Zoom via the Zoom chat

                                                    i.     Responding to the TD in a reasonable amount of time is the player’s responsibility

b.    Sending a “tell” (Message from a director) in ICC directly to the player. Usually this will relay them back to the Zoom chat for more information

c.     Contacting the player via registration information

d.    Contacting school program/coach for contact info/assistance

  1. To Report a Fair Play concern, players should

a.     Report it directly to their Zoom TD for direct assistance.

b.    Send email to speedtrap@chessclub.com

c.     All Games are reviewed for fair-play analysis by the ICC Fair-Play Team.

Disconnection Policy:

Disconnecting before the start may remove you from the tournament. If you disconnect after the start, you will not be removed automatically, but you need to return as soon as possible, or the tournament directors will rule your game a forfeit loss.

If both players have made at least one move, and a player then becomes disconnected from the ICC server, the disconnected player must reconnect to ICC as soon as possible, and ICC will resume the game automatically once both players are online. The players should make every effort to resume the game. If your opponent has disconnected, please wait patiently for your opponent to reconnect.

If a player’s opponent appears not to have moved for a long time, that player should advise the Zoom TD in their zoom meeting right away.  This could mean that one of the players is not synchronized with the ICC server during the game. Even though it may appear to be the opponent’s move, it is the player’s clock which will continue to run. 

The Tournament Director may decide to award a rated win to the opponent of a disconnected or unsynchronized player, who has made at least one move in the game, before the time on that player’s clock has expired, if a reasonable amount of time has elapsed without reconnection to the ICC server.

  • Successfully playing US Chess online rated games are subject to one’s ability to use the various interfaces to connect and play. The ICC, the Tournament Organizers, or US Chess, cannot be responsible for games lost due to an entrant’s difficulty remaining connected or inability to use the programs used to play. Completed games cannot and will not be re-started, resumed, or ratings adjusted for any reason.

Other Rules for Online Events

  • A player must not enter the tournament on more than one username, or risk being forfeited on both usernames.
  • A player is not permitted to play in other events while simultaneously playing in this tournament.
  • Use of computer chess engines, databases, chess books, magazines, written notes, or any other form of external assistance while playing is strictly prohibited. Assistance from other players is also prohibited and will result in disqualification as well as further sanctions as laid out by ICC’s User Agreement and Policy rules.
  • By entering this tournament, I agree to the following.
    I will not give my password to anyone.
    I will not share my account.
    I am the only person allowed to use my account.
    Specifically, I will not allow other people to use my account.
    I will not use any account which does not belong to me.

    I will not use chess database software, analysis software, chess engines or any outside assistance of any kind to assist one’s game while playing US Chess rated games on the Internet Chess Club. I acknowledge and agree that the ICC, Nevada Chess, and US Chess has the right to monitor such activity and further agree to indemnify, defend and hold the ICC, Nevada Chess, and US Chess harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, causes of action or damages (including attorney’s fees) arising from the Company’s exercise of its rights herein.

    The tournament director may, at his or her discretion, refuse to allow a player to enter the tournament or remove a player from the tournament, for any reason, including, but not limited to: connection problems, excessive lag, failure to start tournament games promptly, failure to resume tournament games promptly, disruptive behavior in the tournament or zoom room, suspicion that the player is receiving outside assistance, suspicion that the player is using computer assistance, or discovery that the account or player has a previous history of violating ICC rules. The tournament director is not obligated to disclose the reason for his or her decision, and his or her decision is final. There is no process for appeal.

“FAIR PLAY” Measures

All games played in USCF rated tournaments will be analyzed using ICC’s sophisticated anti-cheating tools. Such analysis will include, but not be limited to, comparing moves played to the recommendations of various engines. Players suspected of violating the Fair Play rules may: 1) have their results and any prize eligibility canceled, 2) be banned from future play on ICC, 3) be banned from future events both online and over the board, and 4) be reported to the US Chess Ethics Committee, leading to possible suspension of US Chess membership.

The tournament directors may, at their discretion, rule that games of a player in a tournament are forfeited due to a fair play violation. The scores of the forfeited players’ opponents shall be adjusted as follows:

      A) If the tournament has been concluded, or there is one round remaining, the last opponent of the disqualified player shall receive a win by forfeit. Other opponents who lost to the disqualified player shall receive a half point bye, and other opponents who drew with the disqualified player shall receive a win by forfeit. Anyone who defeated the disqualified player shall retain a rated win instead of a forfeit win.
      B) If two or more rounds remain, all opponents of the disqualified player shall receive a win by forfeit, unless they defeated the disqualified, player in which case they will retain a rated win.

The tournament results will not be final while “fair play” analysis of all games takes place. This process usually takes about three weeks as all games are reviewed

Neither ICC, Nevada Chess, nor US Chess are responsible for things that can happen with internet play. Examples of this can be: slips or dropped pieces; returning a piece back to its original place and accidentally setting it on the wrong square; game boards disappearing; etc. This list is not all-inclusive, as there may be other issues that we cannot control as well.

Participants are expected to use the same computer during the whole tournament. 

Nevada Scholastic Championships

Posted in News on March 31st, 2021 by Alan Losoff

2021 Nevada State Scholastic Chess Championship

Saturday, April 17 on the Internet Chess Club

 The winners of each section are Nevada State Champions and qualify for

2021 Nevada State Girls’ Championship

Sunday, April 18 on the Internet Chess Club

The winner is the Nevada State Girls Champion and qualifies for

Register at kingregistration.com/affiliate/nevadachess

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The 2021 Nevada State Girls’ Chess Championship

Posted in News on March 22nd, 2021 by Tom Brownscombe

The 2021 Nevada State Girls’ Chess Championship will be held Sunday, April 18 online in collaboration with the Internet Chess Club. Tournament information and registration is available at King Registration.

2021 Nevada State Scholastic Championship

Posted in News on March 20th, 2021 by Tom Brownscombe

The 2021 Nevada State Scholastic Chess Championship will be held April 17th, 2021 online in collaboration with the Internet Chess Club. Online registration is available at King Registration.