Nevada State Girls’ Championship 2017.

Posted in News, Scholastic on March 24th, 2017 by Juan Jauregui

The first Nevada State Girls’ Scholastic championship took place today at our center. After five rounds Samira Prieto finished in first place with four points, tied in second to 5th places Nare Khachatryan (a great performance by Nare, she defeated the highest player in the tournament and current High School champion Naomi),  Shemmei Wu, Naomi Santiago, and Jan Stephanie De Leon, all with 3.5. Stephanie took the trophy for the best Under 800 section. Shanti and Riya from Clarence Piggott Elementary took the best team trophy.

Congratulations, and thank you to the players and the parents for making this great event possible.


Next Saturday , March 25th, the State Scholastic 2017 will take place at the Las Vegas day School, over 200 players are already registered online so far. Read more »

2017 Nevada State Scholastic Chess Championship

Posted in News on March 10th, 2017 by Tom Brownscombe
On Line
PDF Entry Form
Multiple Entry Form
Excel   MSWord
Advance Entries

Prices increase after March 10th.

The 2017 Nevada State Scholastic Chess Championship will take place on Saturday, March 25th, 2017 at the Las Vegas Day School. More detailed information about this event are posted here.

GM Timur Gareyev Breaks World Record

Posted in News on December 6th, 2016 by Tom Brownscombe

At the Foundations Building on the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) campus, beginning on the morning of Saturday, December 3, 2016 and ending in the early morning on Sunday, December 4, 2016, chess Grandmaster (GM) Timur Gareyev set a new world record for blindfold chess games played simultaneously. Many people are familiar with the game of chess, considered by many to be the world’s premier strategy game. But few people have ever witnessed a blindfold simultaneous chess exhibition, and very few people have ever successfully performed one.   Read more »

Remembering David Sheryka

Posted in News on July 11th, 2016 by Tom Brownscombe

Reno Club News & Announcements (from

David Sheryka Memorial Tournament

July 7 and 14, 2016

Reno Chess Club, Reno Nevada

David Sheryka, a longtime member of the Reno Chess Club, passed away on May 25th. David once sported an Expert rating and continued to play Class A chess for the past 20 years. In his honor, and with the generous sponsorship of David’s relative, Jerry Weikel will run a 6-round swiss tournament. Format is a 6-round swiss with rounds 1-3 at Game/30;5 second delay on July 7th and rounds 4-6 on July 14th. Cash prizes will be awarded: 1st: $100, Top A: $50, Top B: $50, Top 1599-below: $40.

The Nevada Chess Community has lost a valued player and frequent competitor in the North – South Team matches held annually in Tonopah, Nevada. We offer our condolences on behalf of our community to David’s friends and family, and from the Directors of Nevada Chess, Inc. He will be missed. – A. Magruder

July 2016 Nevada Chess Bulletin

Posted in Bulletins on July 11th, 2016 by Tom Brownscombe

Editor’s Message

(A. Magruder)

June was a very busy month for Las Vegas chess this year, with 19 (!) events listed in, 10 of which took place at the International Chess Festival between June 24th and June 26th. There are far too many crosstables of the events in that list to include a worthy summary of results in this bulletin, except to say the events were well attended, with 666 players in the 2016 edition of the National Open, 264 in the International Youth Championship, 149 in the Youth Trophy Tournament and 108 in the Walter Browne Memorial Blitz competition.

There were 9 other smaller June events in and around Las Vegas, as well as 10 June events in Reno, including an 86 player ChessKidz Tournament with sections for ages 4-7, 8-9 and 10+, run by Chief TD Vernon Young. I’ll bet that was really fun for everyone!

If any of your chess friends complain about not receiving the April issue of this bulletin, you may tell them that that was the last Nevada Chess Bulletin mailed to all paid members, except for the January issue which will continue to include a ballot for paid up members to vote in the year’s election of officers. If they don’t have easy access to the internet and wish to have this bulletin mailed to them, they should indicate that on the membership form, a copy of which they might obtain from their local club, and send it to the editor at the address on the form. Or get ye on the internet, where all the info is in its own neat category on our website,

Minutes for the Nevada Chess Annual Members Meeting, April 9, 2016

Posted in Governance on April 12th, 2016 by Tom Brownscombe

Called to Order by President Alan Losoff, 2:20 PM

Present were Alan Losoff, Jan Losoff, Juan Jauregui, Tom Brownscombe, Allen Magruder, and
Gale Winds.

Alan Losoff called directors Jerry Weikel and Charles Chinnici to participate by conference call, but they were not available at that time.

The first order of business was tabulating the ballots and results of the 2016 Election. Tom Brownscombe, the election chairperson, opened the ballots. Allen Magruder verified that the membership status of each ballot was up to date, and Alan Losoff tabulated the results. All four candidates on the ballot, Charles Chinnici, Allen Magruder, Jerry Weikel and Gale Winds, were approved for the two year term of office from 2016 to 2017. That concluded the members portion of this meeting.

Since a quorum of at least 4 of the 7 elected directors was present, a few issues were presented for consideration, the first of which was determining the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Alan Losoff volunteered to serve as President, Juan Jauregui agreed to serve as Vice President, Gale Winds agreed to serve as Secretary if Juan Jauregui would serve as Assistant Secretary, and Allen Magruder agreed to serve as Treasurer if Tom Brownscombe would serve as Assistant Treasurer. This arrangement was agreed upon by all involved, and will be in effect until the next election is completed.

The next issue was regarding the Nevada State Individual and Team Matches that have annually taken place in the fall of each year in Tonapah, NV. After a lengthy discussion regarding the difficulty in assembling a team willing to travel to Tonapah, the essential conclusion was that the Southern Nevada organizers and most players were no longer interested in the Tonapah event(s) and wanted to consider other options. Three options were mentioned and should be explored by the relevant Northern and Southern Nevada chess organizations and players for all types of Nevada State Championship events: alternate the yearly event between Northern and Southern Nevada sites; conduct the Individual and Team matches on the internet with supervision by qualified tournament directors; and for the individual state championship, hold a Nevada Championship Open Tournament with format and conditions to be decided.

There was some discussion regarding a separate Nevada Girls Chess Championship Tournament that might take place possibly shortly before the Annual Nevada State Scholastic Championship Tournament. Tom Brownscombe made a motion that such an event be considered. Janelle Losoff, who is co-chairperson of the USCF committee dealing with women’s chess, spoke in favor of the motion. The motion was seconded and approved by all directors present.

Alan Losoff asked board members present for approval to explore hiring a webmaster and an administrative assistant to handle some business affairs of Nevada Chess, Inc. That was approved.

Alan Losoff also made a motion that Allen Magruder be given a lifetime membership in Nevada Chess, Inc. for his years of service, and that was seconded and approved.

The meeting was adjourned at about 4 PM.

2016 Spring Bulletin

Posted in Bulletins on March 31st, 2016 by Tom Brownscombe

Editor’s Message

(A. Magruder)

The Annual Members Meeting of Nevada Chess, Inc. will happen on Saturday, April 9th 2016 at the Las Vegas Chess Center, 3160 S. Valley View Drive, Las Vegas NV 89102. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 2 PM, but please check for late changes if you wish to attend. The results of the 2016 election will be tabulated from the ballots and announced at that time.

This will be the last Nevada Chess Bulletin mailed to members, except for the January issue which will continue to include a ballot for members to vote in that year’s election of officers. For news about chess in Nevada, please check this website regularly.

Once again, Nevada Chess, Inc. sponsored our Annual Nevada State Scholastic Tournament, hosted by the Las Vegas Day School. There were 191 young players playing in the four sections, K-3, K-5, K-8 and K-12, with many individual and team trophies, medals and certificates distributed during the awards ceremonies. A report can be found below, including a link to complete cross tables of the final results. You might also check out for the tournament tables to find pre- and post-tournament ratings of all the players.

Future Events

2016 International Chess Festival, June 22-27, includes

2016 U.S. Game/10 Championship, 2016 U.S. Women’s Open,

2016 National Open, International Youth Championship

See Chess Life and/or for details