On May 17th, 1999, the Nevada State Assembly honored Patrick Hummel for his accomplishments!
The complete text of the Assembly Resolution follows:
Assembly Resolution No. 8-Assemblymen Beers, Anderson, Angle, Arberry, Bache, Berman, Brower, Buckley, Carpenter, Cegavske, Chowning, Claborn, Collins, de Braga, Dini, Evans, Freeman, Gibbons, Giunchigliani, Goldwater, Gustavson, Hettrick, Humke, Koivisto, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, Marvel, McClain, Mortenson, Neighbors, Nolan, Ohrenschall, Parks, Parnell, Perkins, Price, Segerblom, Thomas, Tiffany, Von Tobel and Williams
May 17, 1999
Read and Adopted
SUMMARY-Congratulates Patrick Hummel of Las Vegas for winning chess championship. (BDR R-1731)
EXPLANATION – Matter in bolded italics is new; matter between brackets [omitted material] is material to be omitted. Green numbers along left margin indicate location on the printed bill (e.g., 5-15 indicates page 5, line 15).
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION-Congratulating Patrick Hummel, a ninth grader at The Meadows School in Las Vegas, for winning the 1999 National High School Championship of the United States Chess Federation.
1-1 Whereas, With over 80,000 members, the United States Chess
1-2 Federation is the official sanctioning body for tournament chess in the
1-3 United States and for United States participation in international chess
1-4 events; and
1-5 Whereas, At 12 years of age, and after only 32 months of playing
1-6 chess, Patrick Hummel attained the coveted chess title of United States
1-7 Chess Federation Master, an accomplishment achieved for the first time by
1-8 anyone that age in the history of chess in America and rarely equaled in the
1-9 world history of the game; and
1-10 Whereas, Patrick Hummel won three straight National Grade School
1-11 Chess Championships in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades and the 1997
1-12 National High School Action Chess Championship; and
1-13 Whereas, Patrick Hummel scored 6 1/2 out of a possible 7 points and
1-14 finished first in a championship field of 340 players to win the prestigious
1-15 1999 National High School Championship co-sponsored by the United
1-16 States Chess Federation held April 9 through April 11 in Sioux Falls, South
2-1 Dakota, a feat even more noteworthy as he is one of only three persons ever
2-2 to win this tournament at the age of 14 years; and
2-3 Whereas, The weekend following the tournament in South Dakota,
2-4 Patrick won the Nevada Scholastic Chess Championship in Reno which
2-5 was sponsored by Nevada Chess, Inc., the Nevada affiliate of the United
2-6 States Chess Federation, and as a result of this win, he will represent
2-7 Nevada at the Denker Tournament of High School Champions, hosted by
2-8 Nevada for the first time and scheduled to be held this August at the Sands
2-9 Regency Hotel Casino in Reno; and
2-10 Whereas, Winning the Nevada championship gained Patrick Hummel
2-11 enough rating points to earn him the title of Senior Master, the highest title
2-12 awarded by the United States Chess Federation, and by this achievement
2-13 Patrick became the second youngest Senior Master in the country; and
2-14 Whereas, Patrick Hummel is a freshman at The Meadows School in
2-15 Las Vegas where he is a straight A honors student who has also
2-16 distinguished himself in the field of mathematics by becoming the
2-17 MATHCOUNTS 1997 Southern Nevada Champion, the 1998 Nevada
2-18 Champion and a National Finalist at the 1998 competition in Washington,
2-19 D.C., and has also completed the American High School Mathematics
2-20 Examination which qualifies him to compete in the 17th Annual American
2-21 Invitational Mathematics Examination; and
2-22 Whereas, Patrick Hummel balances his life with a wide range of
2-23 activities, including swimming on The Meadows swim team, working out at
2-24 the gym, playing the trumpet and studying Mandarin Chinese; and
2-25 Whereas, Patrick’s parents, Paul and Carla Hummel, and the students
2-26 and faculty of The Meadows School are very proud of this outstanding
2-27 chess Master and multi-talented young man; now, therefore, be it
2-28 Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the
2-29 members of the Assembly of the 70th session of the Nevada Legislature
2-30 congratulate Patrick Hummel on his achievements in the game of chess,
2-31 especially his most recent winning of the 1999 National High School
2-32 Championship; and be it further
2-33 Resolved, That this body hereby urges the residents of the State of
2-34 Nevada to recognize Patrick Hummel as a model of what can be
2-35 accomplished when a person of any age pursues a goal with determination
2-36 and dedication; and be it further
2-37 Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a
2-38 copy of this resolution to Patrick Hummel.
This information is prepared as an informational service only and should not be relied upon as an official record of action. For official records, please refer to the printed version of the appropriate official publication which may be obtained from the Legislative Bill Room (775-687-3560)
The above was taken from the website of the Nevada State Legislature.