Archive for the 'News' Category

Gordon Barrett Cup 2012

Posted in News on January 11th, 2013 by Nevada Chess

Gordon Barrett Cup after 6 round, lots of great

chess of the resourceful type! Jeff G. is the

leading opportunist! and Paco is just on fire! Marc J.
Vivian impress! next week dec 20th, christmas

party and rd 7 of the gordon barrett cup everyone is

welcome I will have pizza there. thank you all for

coming to the clark county chess club.

The Gordon Barrett Cup is over…Jeff Gallegos won

it with a round to spare with 6.5-.5 and he was

awarded the Gordon Barrett Cup for 2012 and

proclaimed CCCC champion. Vivian Liu won the other

Gordon Barrett Cup for 2012 in her division and she

is the CCCC U1600 champion. We had a swell party

with pizza and pop and stuff.

No. Name Rate Pts Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7
1 Gallegos, Jeffery 2090 6.5 W8 W3 W2 W5 -X- W7 D4
2 Pendergast, David 2040 4.5 W9 W11 L1 W6 D5 D3 D7
3 Vela, Francisco 1899 4.5 W10 L1 W11 W4 W8 D2 L5
4 Raymond, Scott Gre 1732 4.5 -H- -H- W10 L3 W14 W5 D1
5 Santiago, Hugo 1982 4.0 D6 W7 -X- L1 D2 L4 W3
6 Liu, Vivian Xiao 1268 4.0 D5 D8 W12 L2 L7 W14 -X-
7 Reyes, Virgilio T 1990 3.5 -H- L5 W9 D8 W6 L1 D2
8 Trivett, John 1800 3.5 L1 D6 D15 D7 L3 W11 -X-
9 Pereira, Royce Tre 1693 3.0 L2 -H- L7 -B- W15 D10 -F-
10 Johnson, Marc D 1197 3.0 L3 W14 L4 W11 -H- D9 L12
11 Lucero,Robert 1189 3.0 W14 L2 L3 L10 W12 L8 W15
12 Johnson, Rhomer 1161 3.0 -H- -H- L6 L14 L11 W15 W10
13 Phillips, Ryan 1997 2.0 W15 -H- -F- -H- -F- -U- -U-
14 Mesa,Nelson 1323 2.0 L11 L10 -B- W12 L4 L6 -F-
15 Watson, Rockford 1302 1.5 L13 -H- D8 -H- L9 L12 L11

Vegas Chess Club is back!

Posted in News on January 11th, 2013 by Nevada Chess

The Vegas Chess Club has re-opened at the City of

the World Art gallery at 1229 South Casino Center

Blvd on the first Saturdays of the month and the

second, third and fourth Fridays of the month at

6:00 p.m.for tournament and casual chess. Two bucks

to play.

ChessNGames Rapid 2012

Posted in News on January 11th, 2013 by Nevada Chess

The ChessNgames rapid tournament on Dec. 1, 2012 at

Tivoli Village ended in a five way tie for the first

place: David Pendergast, Glenn Bidari, Ryan

Phillips, Hugo Santiago and Juan Jauregui, with 4

points. There was also casual chess on the side and

a lot of exciting chess. Thanks to all the

The room looked like the glass cube of Bilbao, there

were chess enthusiasts following the action from


Veterans Day Open 2012

Posted in News on January 11th, 2013 by Nevada Chess

IM Dionisio Aldama won the Las Vegas Veterans Day

Open Nov 9-11, 2012 at St Viators ahead of a

powerful field of just over 20 players.

Gordon Barrett Cup

Posted in News on November 21st, 2012 by Nevada Chess

The last event for 2012…

The Gordon Barrett Cup

7 rounds Swiss  G/60 d5

2 rounds every Thursday for 3 weeks

Last round Dec. 20 and club party.

11/29  Round 1 and 2

12/6   Round 3 and 4

12/13  Round 5 and 6

12/20  Round 7

*2 half point byes available, no byes after round 4

*players will be paired every round

*entry fee…donation based towards the rating fees

and end of the year club party.
starting time 6:00 pm at the Clark County Chess Club 5160 So Valley view Suite 110  info John Trivett 7028067410

late entries will get a first round bye.


announcing the Veterans Day Open Nov 9-11, 2012

Posted in News on October 3rd, 2012 by Nevada Chess

St Viator Catholic School Cafeteria
4246 South Eastern Avenue, Las Vegas, NV, 89119
(Corner of Flamingo and Eastern)
Las Vegas Veterans Open!!!!

5 SS, G/2 hours, 5 seconds delay, EF $35
$ 1800 in prizes based in 60 entries. Event
is USCF rated, two byes available. 3 Sections
Round 1 Friday 9th at 6.00 pm, rounds 2 to 5
Saturday and Sunday at 10 am and 3.30 pm.
Sections and Prizes!!!!
The Strip (Open): $450, $200, $150
Downtown (U1900): $250, $150, $100
Hoover Dam (U1600): $250, $150, $100
For more information please contact Juan Jauregui
at 702-283-9512 or Chris Reynolds at 702-336-2979.

Master Class 2012 update!

Posted in News on September 17th, 2012 by Nevada Chess

FM David Lucky rust is gone! He won the open section of the LV Masters showing great stamina and endurance, his last two games going the distance, in the fifth round with clear first place he still went for a win against Patrick Lacey, rated 2106 in a difficult ending. The night before he battled out IM Ed Formanek in …another hard to crack position. Congratulations to him! Hugo Santiago also had a good run in the Open, even refusing one FM Lucky draw offer.
In the U1700 Michaelangelo Barozzi cruised to another perfect score of five wins no defeats!, the lad took home a trophy and $200 cash, good job!.The tournament is already submitted for rating and the games will be published soon.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the participant. The next weekend tournament will be on November 9th, it is a long weekend,we will TLA this one and we will use any media network available to get all those players out of the woods. Thanks to Liceu, Vivian, Glenn for all the help. Liceu thanks for all the pictures, and to Tom Bronwnscombe for the tips on WinTD and the help with the prizes distribution. Also special thanks to IM Ed Formanek for participating in our event. by Chris and Juan