Nevada Chess Bulletin April, 2017
Posted in News on April 8th, 2017 by Tom BrownscombeEditor’s Message
(A. Magruder)
The Annual Members Meeting of Nevada Chess, Inc. will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2017 at the Las Vegas Chess Center, 2560 Montessouri St., Ste. 206 Las Vegas NV 89102. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 3:30 PM, but please check for late changes if you wish to attend. The results of the 2017 election will be tabulated from the ballots and announced at that time.
All current members of Nevada Chess, Inc. can find the content of this bulletin at links on our website, But if you know someone who wants to be a member but does not have easy access to the internet and would like to have this bulletin mailed to them, you could give them the membership form information on the website and have them send it to the editor at the address on the form.
All current members do receive a membership card attached to the January issue each year by mail which shows the expiration year of their membership, and which also contains the current year’s ballot for election of directors. The completed ballot is to be returned by mail to the election committee chairman.
Once again, Nevada Chess, Inc. sponsored our Annual Nevada State Scholastic Tournament, hosted by the Las Vegas Day School. There were 235 young players playing in the four sections: K-3, K-5, K-8 and K-12, with many individual and team trophies and medals distributed during the awards ceremonies. A report may be found on our website, and a link there to complete cross tables of the final results as well. You might also check out for the tournament tables to find pre- and post- rating scores of all the players.