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Elliott Liu Retains State Champion Title

Posted in News on January 15th, 2016 by Alan Losoff

On January 9th and 10th Elliott Liu defended his State Championship title against Mike Zaloznyy.  After both won their semi-final matches against Virgil Reyes and Ernest Hong respectively in Tonapah last fall they agreed to play the final back home in Las Vegas.  Because of scheduling conflicts the match was not played until last week.

Elliot (left) vs Mike.

Elliot (left) vs Mike.

Annual Membership Meeting

Posted in News on April 10th, 2015 by Alan Losoff

The annual membership meeting will be held at The Learning Village, 727 E Fremont Street, Las Vegas on Sunday April 19th at 1 p.m.  Results of the election of board members will be held.

Also on the agenda will be a proposal to eliminate the mailed bulletin and replace it with the on line reports.

Nevada State Scholastic Championships March 21, 2015

Posted in News on March 3rd, 2015 by Alan Losoff

We will be accepting in person registration for the Nevada State Scholastic Championship on Friday evening 6-10 p.m. at the tournament site, the Las Vegas Chess Center 727 Fremont Street. Players who register Saturday Morning may not be paired for round 1.

On line registration will be accepted until round 1 is paired Saturday morning.

Links:    Advance Entries        Information    Results

Round 1 starts at 9:30 a.m. There is no check-in required. Advance Entries and Pairings will be posted on site and on line by 9 a.m.

Free parking is available at the El Cortez lot on 7th and Ogden and on the street within a few blocks. There is also metered parking on the street and at the Market Square 1/2 block West of the Site

Nevada State Championship Playoffs and Team Championship

Posted in News on September 28th, 2014 by Alan Losoff

Elliot Lui and Mike Zaloznyy will play for the title of Nevada State Champion after defeating Ernie Hong and Jerry Weikel in round 1 in Tonapah.

Meanwhile the Northern Nevada team defeated the Southern team by a score of 11-9 after the Southern team was forced to spot the North 6 points when 3 of our players did not show up.  Full results are below

Name Rate Pts Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4
Zaloznyy, Mike Y 2251 2.0 W4 W4 A2 A2
Liu, Elliott Jl 2323 1.5 W3 D3 A1 A1
Hong, Ernie 2129 0.5 L2 D2 -U- -U-
Weikel, Jerry 2125 0.0 L1 L1 -U- -U-
Team Pts Name Rate Rnd1 Rnd2
NORTH 0.5 Casten, Frederick 2017 L11 D11
NORTH 1.0 Fischer, George E 1887 D13 D13
NORTH 0.5 Peterson, David No 1855 D14 A14
NORTH 0.0 Wheat, Bob 1815 L12 L12
NORTH 1.0 Herald, Matthew B 1780 W15 L15
NORTH 1.0 Chung, Kevin 1719 W16 L16
NORTH 1.0 Pease, Andrew 1343 W17 L17
SOUTH 1.5 Reyes, Virgilio T 2072 W4 D4
SOUTH 2.0 Lazarus, Barry J 2067 W7 W7
SOUTH 1.0 Mccarthy, Anthony 1869 D5 D5
SOUTH 0.5 Pedersen, Lars 1789 D6 A6
SOUTH 1.0 Dease, Daniel J 1751 L8 W8
SOUTH 1.0 Hubler, Joseph M 1702 L9 W9
SOUTH 1.0 Klatt, Russell 1216 L10 W10

Minutes of Nevada Chess Membership and Board Meetings

Posted in News on June 9th, 2014 by Alan Losoff

Minutes of Nevada Chess Membership Meeting
Meadows School  4/26/2014

Present were Dan Conver, Gale Winds and Allen Magruder.  Due to lack of a quorum no official business was conducted but the ballots were counted.  Charles (Tony) Chinnici and Jerry Weikel won election to the board.

Minutes of Nevada Chess Board Meeting
Las Vegas Chess Center 4/27/2014

Board members present were Alan Losoff, Jon Trivet, Allen Magruder, Alan Losoff and Tom Brownscombe. Juan Jauregui was present as an observer.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Election results were certified.  Motion: Defer election of officers until the new board members can be contacted.  Secretary Alan Losoff will manage the officer elections. Passed 5-0.

Jaun Jauregui is appointed the chair of the Nevada Clearing House. Passed 5-0. Alan Losoff will notify USCF.

Allen Magruder distributed the financial report. We have a balance of $5,500 with a net operating income for the year of $170.  A few items are still pending.

The $50 increase in TD fees that had been approved for the State Scholastic tournament was not included in the TD’s Checks. Those TDs present agreed to donate the $50 to Nevada Chess.  The tournament was financially about the same as last year: break even or slight loss.

Alan Losoff and Juan Jauregui would like to bid the 2015 State Scholastic at the Las Vegas Learning Center.  The following motion was made:  Nevada Chess will put the 2015 State Scholastic tournament up for bids with a bidding deadline of August 1, 2014.  Passed 4-0, Losoff abstaining. This will be posted on

It was noted that the current state champion may not be a resident by the time of the play offs.  Motion: In the case of the Nevada Champion being ineligible or unable to defend the runner up is automatically seeded into the championship. Passed 5-0.

Tom Brownscombe reported on the Southern Nevada Qualifiers. Two have already been held, and the 3rd will be the Las Vegas Open on August 22-24 at the Las Vegas Chess Center.  The 2 spots are still wide open.

The State Championship will be in Tonapah on September 27-28.  Jon will make arrangements with the hotel. Nevada Chess will pay for the rooms for the 4 qualifiers and a TD. Alan Losoff volunteered to be TD for no fee except expenses.  The team challenge will be on Saturday, and there will be a state Blitz,  Quick or Action Championship on Sunday.  It has yet to be decided. So far Blitz, G/15 and G25+5 have been suggested. In any case it will be an official Nevada Championship.  Approved 5-0.

Alan Losoff will attempt to schedule an election meeting for Thursday 5/1/2014 with the Las Vegas members meeting at Clark County Chess Club and the Northern Nevada members joining us by phone or Skype.

The meeting was adjourned.

2014 Nevada Scholastic Championship Draws 190 Players

Posted in News on March 23rd, 2014 by Alan Losoff

190 players competed in the Nevada Scholastic Championships on Saturday, March 22nd.

In the High School Section, Cameron Patterson took the 1st place trophy on tie break over co-champion Raymond Seid.  Cameron qualifies to represent Nevada at the Denker Tournamet of High School Champions in August.  Naomi Santiago was the as the highest scoring girl (and only 1/2 point behind the winners) will represent Nevada in the National Girls Invitational Championship.  Advanced Technologies Academy was the top Team.

The K-8 Championship was shared between Michelangelo Barozzi and Royce Pereira, with Michelango taking the 1st place trophy and the invitation to the Barber Tournament of Elementary School Champions on tie break. Amber Hankins was the top girl with 4 points. Hyde Park Middle School took the team honors.

Diego Santiago and Alexander Wong are the K-5 co-champions, each with 5 wins and 1 draw. Liberty Leano, who was leading the tournament going into the last round was the highest finishing girl.  The Meadows School won the team trophy.

Elora Palacio was the only clear winner with a perfect 6-0 result in the K-3 section.  She lead the Saint Viator Catholic School to the team championship.

Complete results are posted here.