As you may have heard, Clark County is canceling large events at parks and recreation facilities over coronavirus concerns and Clark County School District is suspending all district and non-district sponsored extra-curricular activities. The Governor of Nevada has just declared a State of Emergency. For these reasons, the 2020 Nevada Scholastic Chess Championship has been cancelled.
It is unclear at this time when or if we will be able to reschedule it in fall. Watch our web site for announcements.
All individual entry fees will be refunded by March 27th. If you paid by personal check, we will return it uncashed. If you paid online, we will issue a refund through PayPal.
We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will be able to participate next year. Next year’s event is tentatively scheduled for March 6, 2021.
Best Regards,
Alan Losoff, President
US Chess Affiliate for Chess in Nevada