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Southern Nevada Qualifer starts July 12th

Posted in News on June 29th, 2012 by Nevada Chess

The Southern Nevada Qualifer will begin July 12th at the Clark County Chess Club at 5160 South Valley Suite 110 through July and August.  the entry fee is $20. It will be a 7 round Swiss, with 2- 1/2 point byes available. Prizes to be anounced. The winner will play in  the State Championship in Tonopah against the Northern Nevada champion  in late Sept or early October. Time control will be G/90 d5      Info email or phone 7028067410

Annual Membership Meeting April 21st, 2012

Posted in Governance, News on May 3rd, 2012 by Nevada Chess

Board Members elected were Mike Filapas, Francisco Vela and Gail Winds.  Remaining on the board are Dan Conver, Alan Losoff, Allen Magruder and John Trivett.  Mike Filipas resigned due to a conflict of interest and the board appointed Tom Brownscombe to take his place.

Officers elected were Allen Magruder, President, Alan Losoff, Vice President, John Trivett, Secretary and Tom Brownscombe, Treasurer.

John has agreed to maintain this web site, and more will be posted soon.

Utah Summer Games – June 19-20, 2009

Posted in Events on April 24th, 2009 by Nevada Chess

The Utah Summer Games will have two days of quick chess and fun chess variants on June 19-20 in Cedar City, which is only a couple of hours away from Las Vegas. There will be a 12-round, USCF rated quick (G/15) tournament, an unrated quick tournament, a Chess960 (Fischer Random Chess) tournament, and a Bughouse tournament. These four events should appeal especially to young chess players.

More information regarding the event can be found on the tournament website at

Thanks, and we hope to see you there,

Damian Nash
(435) 260-2789

Annual Members Meeting & Board of Directors Meeting – March 5, 2009

Posted in Governance on March 12th, 2009 by Nevada Chess

Minutes of the Annual Members Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting held March 5, 2009
University Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada

The annual meeting of Nevada Chess, Inc. was held at 7 pm on March 5, 2009 in the first-floor lobby of the UMC Doctor’s Building. (Original arrangements in the 6th floor conference room were cancelled by UMC due to previous commitments.)

The attendees, President Allen Magruder, Directors Charles Hatherill and Charles McCoy, Secretary Gordon Barrett, and Election Chairman John Trivett, were seated at a circular table with hard benches.

The comforts we enjoy are not like the anchor in the bottom of the sea, that holds fast in a storm, but like the flag upon the top of the mast, that turns with every wind.” Quote from C. Love.

Magruder opened the meeting by distributing a copy of the financial report for the period, 4/13/2008 to 3/5/2009, including an Itemized Categories Report and a Transaction Report. Total Income for this period was $622.00; total expenses were $750.43; balance at beginning of period was $2723.28; and balance at end of period was $2594.85.

The meeting continued with a description by Magruder of the informal arrangement made with J. Weikel many years ago regarding Northern Nevada voluntary support of the state affiliate, Nevada Chess, Inc. The undocumented agreement then was essentially that the Reno Club would make a contribution of $200 during the Tonopah events in the fall, and that would include membership in the state affiliate for each of the Northern Nevada attendees, though membership of any attendee was also not a documented requirement. Perhaps not coincidentally, the Nevada State Championship Match awards to the champion and runner-up were $200 total then, and have continued at that same level since. The Reno Club faithfully honored their contribution commitment, if not always during the Tonopah events, but usually shortly thereafter, and the rolls of Nevada Chess, Inc. members were also dutifully augmented with the names of the Northern Nevada attendees. That happened until this past year, when due to some Reno Club problems, their contribution has not yet been received, and Tonopah attendees have consequently not been assigned automatic memberships in Nevada Chess, Inc.

By the streets of ‘bye and bye’ one arrives at the house of ‘never.” Quote from Cervantes’ Don Quixote.

Magruder next made the following proposal.


In recognition and appreciation of the effort and expense involved in participating in the Nevada Chess, Inc. sponsored annual state championship and team events, usually held in Tonopah, Nevada, in the fall of the year, each participant attendee will receive without cost an annual membership in Nevada Chess, Inc., or an extension of their current membership. This does require participant attendees to provide their correct names, addresses and other contact information for the Nevada Chess Inc. membership rolls.

This proposal was accepted by all directors present, as well as by director M. Filipas in an earlier phone conversation with Magruder.

Contributions to support the official USCF state affiliate, Nevada Chess, Inc., will continue to be entirely voluntary.


Magruder next moved that the directors reaffirm last year’s decision that the state affiliate provide the Denker candidate 50% of the amount returned to the affiliate from the state scholastic tournament, with a minimum provision of $200. This was also approved by all.


Magruder next moved that the directors reaffirm last year’s decision that the organizer of the state scholastic tournament return to the state affiliate $2/player from the proceeds of the tournament. This was also approved by all.


John Trivett, Election Committee Chairman, collected, opened and tallied all ballots before all present, with the following results.

A great day for all three candidates vying (?) for positions. Allen Magruder (6 of 6 approve), Daniel Conver (5 of 6 approve, welcome back) and Craig Christensen (5 of 6 approve) were all elected to 2-yr terms. Congratulations!

Remember, “In great moments, life is unsurpassable.” (Gordan Barrrett)

The meeting was adjourned at about 7.30 pm, and a shining good time was had by all.

How far that little candle (Nevada Chess Inc.) throws his beams! So shines a good deed in this world.” (Shakespeare)

Submitted by Gordon Barrett, Secretary, Nevada Chess Inc. (as edited by A. Magruder)

2008 Western States Open, Reno, October 17-19

Posted in Events on July 14th, 2008 by Nevada Chess

The 26th Annual Western States Open will take place at the Sands Regency Hotel in Reno, Nevada, from October 17-19, 2008. This 200 Grand Prix Point event will offer a prize fund of $40,000 based on 400 entries.

As usual the event will be run by NTD Jerry Weikel and will be a 6 round Swiss in 7 sections: Open (FIDE Rated), Expert, A, B, C, D and E/Under.

For complete details regarding the event and online entry information, please visit the tournament website at

National Open 2008 Results

Posted in Results on July 14th, 2008 by Nevada Chess

There was a 6-way tie for first at the 2008 National Open held at the Riviera Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. GMs Gata Kamsky, Laurent Fressinet, Tigran Petrosian and Atanas Kolev were joined by IMs Ben Finegold and Josh Friedel, all finishing with 5 points.

The highest placed Nevadan was FM James Schuyler who finished tied for 10th-23rd with 4 points.

Read more »

Southern Utah Chess Festival in Moab – Labor Day Weekend

Posted in Events on July 14th, 2008 by Nevada Chess

I would like to invite Nevada chess players to the Southern Utah Chess Festival in Moab, Utah, over Labor Day weekend. It should be a fun chess weekend, including a 6-round Swiss tournament, a beginner’s tournament, a Blindfold Chess tournament, a Chess960 (Fischer Random) tournament and a Bughouse tournament. It coincides with the Moab Music Festival, which is Utah’s premier chamber music and world-jazz festival. Full information is online at the Utah Chess website:

Best regards,

Damian Nash
USCF Senior TD