Veterans Day Open 2012
Posted in News on January 11th, 2013 by Nevada ChessIM Dionisio Aldama won the Las Vegas Veterans Day
Open Nov 9-11, 2012 at St Viators ahead of a
powerful field of just over 20 players.
IM Dionisio Aldama won the Las Vegas Veterans Day
Open Nov 9-11, 2012 at St Viators ahead of a
powerful field of just over 20 players.
The last event for 2012…
The Gordon Barrett Cup
7 rounds Swiss G/60 d5
2 rounds every Thursday for 3 weeks
Last round Dec. 20 and club party.
11/29 Round 1 and 2
12/6 Round 3 and 4
12/13 Round 5 and 6
12/20 Round 7
*2 half point byes available, no byes after round 4
*players will be paired every round
*entry fee…donation based towards the rating fees
and end of the year club party.
starting time 6:00 pm at the Clark County Chess Club 5160 So Valley view Suite 110 info John Trivett 7028067410
late entries will get a first round bye.
Blast from the Past-Exclusive!
If I remember, I think it was at the Western States Open at Reno in October 2007 while attending Larry Evans lecture when I asked Larry Evans for memoirs of his 1952 match with Herman Steiner for the U. S. Championship, pertaining to games he played in Reno and Las Vegas. He really could not offer any details except that in Las Vegas, Fremont Street was paved while most of the other streets were dirt roads. This match has always fascinated me, particularly, the last two or three games which were played here in Nevada. For now, from the 1952 Chess Life pg 228…
Winner and Still Champion!
“Larry Evans retained his U. S. title in a challenge match with Herman Steiner his predessor. Evans clinched matters as early as the 11th heat of the 16 game match, which gave him the 8 1/2 points necessary for victory.
The first six games were contested in Los Angeles. Here Evans won 6 lost 1 and drew three. San Francisco was the scene of the crucial 11th game, won by Evans-while the 12th-won by Steiner-was played in Reno Nevada. In Las Vegas Nevada, Evans won the 13th and drew the 14th bringing the score in his favor to 10-4. Two games, scheduled for New York City have been cancelled.”
And on the same page, there is a photo of the two GMs in play!
I will have more to say about this, as I have more sources on this match, as well as try to lift the photo from the pdf file.So for now here are the games.
[Event “Ch USA (match), Reno (USA)”]
[Site “?”]
[Date “1952.??.??”]
[Round “12”]
[White “Steiner Herman”]
[Black “Evans H”]
[Result “1-0”]
[ECO “E81”]
[PlyCount “71”]
[EventDate “1952.??.??”]
[Source “Pickard & Son”]
[SourceDate “2003.01.15”]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 O-O 5. f3 d6 6. Bg5 h6 7. Be3 e5 8. Nge2
Nc6 9. Qd2 Kh7 10. d5 Ne7 11. g4 Nfg8 12. Ng3 f5 13. gxf5 gxf5 14. exf5 Nxf5
15. Bd3 Kh8 16. Nxf5 Bxf5 17. Ne4 Qh4+ 18. Bf2 Qf4 19. Qxf4 exf4 20. O-O-O Ne7
21. Rhg1 Ng6 22. Bc2 Kh7 23. Rg2 Rf7 24. Rdg1 Rg8 25. Rxg6 Bxg6 26. Rxg6 Kxg6
27. Nxd6+ Kg5 28. Nxf7+ Kf6 29. Nd8 Bf8 30. Bd4+ Ke7 31. Ne6 Ke8 32. Nxc7+ Kf7
33. c5 Rg2 34. d6 Rxh2 35. Bb3+ Kg6 36. Ne6 1-0
[Event “Las Vegas ch-USA”]
[Site “?”]
[Date “1952.??.??”]
[Round “13”]
[White “Evans”]
[Black “Steiner, H.”]
[Result “1-0”]
[ECO “D34”]
[PlyCount “107”]
[EventDate “1952.??.??”]
[Source “Pickard & Son”]
[SourceDate “2003.01.15”]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. g3 Nf6 7. Bg2 Be7 8. O-O
O-O 9. dxc5 d4 10. Na4 Bf5 11. Bg5 h6 12. Bxf6 Bxf6 13. Rc1 Rc8 14. a3 Qa5 15.
Nd2 Qa6 16. Ne4 Be5 17. Nd6 Bxd6 18. cxd6 Rfd8 19. d7 Bxd7 20. Nc5 Qb5 21. a4
Qxb2 22. Nxd7 Rxd7 23. Bh3 Rcd8 24. Bxd7 Rxd7 25. Qd3 g6 26. Rc2 Qb4 27. Qc4
Qe7 28. Rb1 Kh7 29. Rcb2 h5 30. h4 Ne5 31. Qc8 b6 32. a5 Rd8 33. Qa6 Qd7 34.
axb6 Qh3 35. Qb7 axb6 36. Rb5 Rd7 37. Qg2 Qe6 38. Qe4 Nc4 39. Qxe6 fxe6 40. Rc1
Rd5 41. Rxd5 exd5 42. Rd1 b5 43. Rxd4 b4 44. Rxd5 b3 45. Rb5 b2 46. Rb7+ Kg8
47. f4 Kf8 48. e4 Ke8 49. e5 Kd8 50. Kf2 Kc8 51. Rb4 Kd7 52. Ke2 Ke6 53. Kd3
Kd5 54. Rb5+ 1-0
[Event “Las Vegas ch-USA”]
[Site “?”]
[Date “1952.??.??”]
[Round “14”]
[White “Steiner, H.”]
[Black “Evans”]
[Result “1/2-1/2”]
[ECO “D46”]
[PlyCount “77”]
[EventDate “1952.??.??”]
[Source “Pickard & Son”]
[SourceDate “2003.01.15”]
1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. c4 e6 4. Nc3 c6 5. e3 Nbd7 6. Bd3 Bd6 7. O-O O-O 8. e4
dxc4 9. Bxc4 e5 10. Bg5 h6 11. Bh4 Qe7 12. Re1 Re8 13. a4 a5 14. d5 Nb6 15. Ba2
Bb4 16. dxc6 bxc6 17. Qc2 Bg4 18. Nd2 Red8 19. f3 Be6 20. Re2 Bxa2 21. Rxa2 Qe6
22. b3 Rd7 23. Bf2 c5 24. Ra1 Rad8 25. Rc1 c4 26. bxc4 Nxc4 27. Nf1 Rc8 28. Qb3
Rd3 29. Be1 Qb6+ 30. Bf2 Qb8 31. Rec2 Na3 32. Ne2 Rcd8 33. Qxd3 Rxd3 34. Rc8+
Qxc8 35. Rxc8+ Kh7 36. Rc7 Kg8 37. Rc8+ Kh7 38. Rc7 Kg8 39. Rc8+ 1/2-1/2
St Viator Catholic School Cafeteria
4246 South Eastern Avenue, Las Vegas, NV, 89119
(Corner of Flamingo and Eastern)
Las Vegas Veterans Open!!!!
5 SS, G/2 hours, 5 seconds delay, EF $35
$ 1800 in prizes based in 60 entries. Event
is USCF rated, two byes available. 3 Sections
Round 1 Friday 9th at 6.00 pm, rounds 2 to 5
Saturday and Sunday at 10 am and 3.30 pm.
Sections and Prizes!!!!
The Strip (Open): $450, $200, $150
Downtown (U1900): $250, $150, $100
Hoover Dam (U1600): $250, $150, $100
For more information please contact Juan Jauregui
at 702-283-9512 or Chris Reynolds at 702-336-2979.
FM David Lucky rust is gone! He won the open section of the LV Masters showing great stamina and endurance, his last two games going the distance, in the fifth round with clear first place he still went for a win against Patrick Lacey, rated 2106 in a difficult ending. The night before he battled out IM Ed Formanek in …another hard to crack position. Congratulations to him! Hugo Santiago also had a good run in the Open, even refusing one FM Lucky draw offer.
In the U1700 Michaelangelo Barozzi cruised to another perfect score of five wins no defeats!, the lad took home a trophy and $200 cash, good job!.The tournament is already submitted for rating and the games will be published soon.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the participant. The next weekend tournament will be on November 9th, it is a long weekend,we will TLA this one and we will use any media network available to get all those players out of the woods. Thanks to Liceu, Vivian, Glenn for all the help. Liceu thanks for all the pictures, and to Tom Bronwnscombe for the tips on WinTD and the help with the prizes distribution. Also special thanks to IM Ed Formanek for participating in our event. by Chris and Juan
~~TOURNAMENT ANNOUNCEMENT ~~ September 14-16 th
~ LAS VEGAS MASTER CLASS OPEN ~ $1000.00 to be awarded
in two sections !! (b/0 30 entries)
Where : The Gallery ! 1229 S Casino Center 89104
Time control : G/90 with 30 sec Increment
Entry Fee : $35.00
Two Sections : Open and U1700 sections –2 half pt byes ok planned prior to Rd #2.
Round 1 starts at 6 pm on Friday –10 am 4pm Saturday/Sunday
Boards and most equipment, Tea , Coffee, Water, also provided. More information coming soon -including registered players list.
Contact Juan Jauregui or Chris Reynolds with any questions. Thanks
Rd 7 SONVQ2012
Going onto the last round, at least 8-9 players could tie for first place in different scenarios depending on the results of the games. David Pendergast allowed David Lucky to totally encroach on his position and it was over for him. Royce Pereira and Ryan Phillips both gave up their queens against Virgil Reyes and Glenn Bidari respectiful and Jeff Gallegos developed only a knight and queen and left his king in the center versus Hugo Santiago. Only at the last minutes of the time control did we know who would win and the queens prevailed over the pieces and dispite ingenious counterplay by Jeff, Hugo won a piece and the game. David Lucky won 1st place with 5.5/7…Hugo Santiago, Virgil Reyes, and Glenn Bidari finished tied at second with 5/7. Hugo also won the U1781-1303 section and this was pooled with the second place funds. Juan Pablo Jauregui won the U1938-1800 prize with 4.5/7. Paco Vela beat back Tim Galima’s piece sacrifice to take the 2nd U1938 section with 4/7. Royce Pereira won the 2nd U1781 prize with 4/7. Royce also won the beautiful chess set donated by Mike Thurber for his large 96 point rating increase. Hugo had a 91 point increase in rating.
In the undercard, Naomi Santiago went +4-2 to finish 1st there.
Many thanks to all the players who participated in this very powerful and memorable event…
SoNVQ2012 — SoNVQ2012 Cross Table, Page 1
No. Name St Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score
1. Lucky, David (1)………….. NV 2339 W14 W6 D7 D3 D2 W5 W8 5.5
2. Bidari, Glenn (2)…………. NV 2149 W15 L3 W8 W13 D1 D4 W5 5.0
3. Reyes, Virgilio T (6)……… NV 1990 W19 W2 -H- D1 L5 W16 W10 5.0
4. Santiago, Hugo (16)……….. NV 1682 W12 L8 D11 W20 W9 D2 W7 5.0
5. Phillips, Ryan (5)………… NV 1997 W21 W10 -H- W7 W3 L1 L2 4.5
6. Jauregui, Juan Pab (7)…….. NV 1938 W20 L1 W14 D8 L7 W12 -X- 4.5
7. Gallegos, Jeffery (3)……… NV 2090 W17 W11 D1 L5 W6 D8 L4 4.0
8. Pendergast, David (4)……… NV 2040 W16 W4 L2 D6 W11 D7 L1 4.0
9. Vela, Francisco (10)………. NV 1899 D18 L13 D10 W15 L4 -X- W16 4.0
10. Pereira, Royce Tre (19)……. NV 1615 W13 L5 D9 W19 -H- W11 L3 4.0
11. Ramirez, Jose E (9)……….. NV 1900 W22 L7 D4 W12 L8 L10 W18 3.5
12. Ima Imada, Todd (11)………. NV 1856 L4 W17 W16 L11 -H- L6 W14 3.5
13. Walter, Kenneth (8)……….. NV 1925 L10 W9 W18 L2 -H- -H- -F- 3.0
14. Teves, Reymundo (12)………. NV 1855 L1 -X- L6 L16 W21 W20 L12 3.0
15. Trivett, John (13)………… NV 1800 L2 L16 W21 L9 D20 D18 -X- 3.0
16. Galima, Tim (15)………….. CA 1742 L8 W15 L12 W14 W17 L3 L9 3.0
17. Leung, Eric (14)………….. NV 1781 L7 L12 -H- W18 L16 -X- -N- 2.5
18. Ros Rosten, Marshall L. (20).. NV 1434 D9 -H- L13 L17 -X- D15 L11 2.5
19. McDonald, Monte (18)………. NV 1624 L3 -H- W22 L10 -H- -F- -F- 2.0
20. Banerji, Neil (21)………… NV 1303 L6 -B- -H- L4 D15 L14 -F- 2.0
21. Orozco, Emmanuel (17)……… NV 1626 L5 -F- L15 -X- L14 -F- -F- 1.0
22. Pendergraft, Christopher (22). NV 1145 L11 -H- L19 -F- -F- -U- -U- 0.5
Place Name/Team Rate Score MMed Solk Cum CumOp
1 Lucky, David (1) 2339 5.5 26.5 29.0 22.0 126.0
2 Bidari, Glenn (2) 2149 5.0 27.5 30.0 19.5 121.5
3 Reyes, Virgilio T (6) 1990 5.0 25.0 25.0 20.0 101.5
4 Santiago, Hugo (16) 1682 5.0 23.5 25.5 18.5 106.0
5 Phillips, Ryan (5) 1997 4.5 25.5 25.5 22.0 100.5
6 Jauregui, Juan Pab (7) 1938 4.5 21.5 21.5 16.0 92.0
7 Pendergast, David (4) 2040 4.0 27.0 30.0 19.0 123.0
8 Gallegos, Jeffery (3) 2090 4.0 26.5 29.0 19.5 119.0
9 Pereira, Royce Tre (19) 1615 4.0 23.0 23.0 16.5 89.5
10 Vela, Francisco (10) 1899 4.0 20.0 20.0 12.0 77.0
11 Ramirez, Jose E (9) 1900 3.5 18.0 25.0 14.5 98.0
12 Ima Imada, Todd (11) 1856 3.5 15.5 20.5 13.0 79.0
13 Galima, Tim (15) 1742 3.0 18.5 23.5 13.0 88.5
14 Teves, Reymundo (12) 1855 3.0 14.5 20.0 10.0 75.5
15 Trivett, John (13) 1800 3.0 12.5 17.5 7.5 65.0
16 Walter, Kenneth (8) 1925 3.0 9.5 14.5 12.5 57.0
17 Ros Rosten, Marshall L. (20) 1434 2.5 12.0 15.5 9.0 53.5
18 Leung, Eric (14) 1781 2.5 8.5 12.5 7.0 54.5
19 Banerji, Neil (21) 1303 2.0 9.0 14.0 8.5 52.0
20 McDonald, Monte (18) 1624 2.0 6.5 11.5 8.5 39.0
21 Orozco, Emmanuel (17) 1626 1.0 5.0 9.5 3.0 39.5
22 Pendergraft, Christopher (22) 1145 0.5 3.0 6.5 2.5 23.0
SoNVQ2012 — SoNVQ2012 Cross Table, Page 1
No. Name St Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score
1. Santiago, Naomi (14)………. NV 1200 -U- L4 W5 W19 L2 W10 W14 4.0
2. Raymond, Scott Gre (2)…….. FL 1732 -U- -U- -U- W6 W1 W4 -U- 3.0
3. Artuz, Antonio (5)………… NV 1643 W4 W16 -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- 2.0
4. Debesai, Yoseph G (8)……… NV 1437 L3 W1 -U- -U- W5 L2 -U- 2.0
5. Xia Liu, Vivian Xiao (10)….. NV 1268 -U- -U- L1 W14 L4 -U- W10 2.0
6. Santiago, Diego (18)………. NV 1100 -U- L13 W18 L2 L10 W19 L12 2.0
7. Ruiseco, Ernesto (1)………. NV 1750 -U- -U- -U- W18 -U- -U- -U- 1.0
8. Alpert, Ray (3)…………… NV 1678 -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- W15 1.0
9. Hill, Dennis P. (4)……….. NV 1650 -U- W17 -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- 1.0
10. Sit Yan Niang Tun (6)……… NV 1500 -U- -U- -U- -U- W6 L1 L5 1.0
11. Reynolds, Chris L (7)……… NV 1447 -U- -U- W14 -U- -U- -U- -U- 1.0
12. Spilsbury, Derrick (15)……. NV 1200 -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- W6 1.0
13. Johnson, Marc D (17)………. NV 1197 -U- W6 -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- 1.0
14. Ulbrich, Karl (19)………… NV 1067 -U- -U- L11 L5 W20 -U- L1 1.0
15. Spilsbury, Darrell (9)…….. NV 1300 -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- L8 0.0
16. Banerji, Neil (11)………… NV 1257 -U- L3 -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- 0.0
17. Johnson, Rhomer (12)………. NV 1235 -U- L9 -U- -U- -U- -U- -U- 0.0
18. Watkins, Chris (16)……….. NV 1200 -U- -U- L6 L7 -U- -U- -U- 0.0
19. Demosthenes, Stephen Papa (13) NV 1200 -U- -U- -U- L1 -U- L6 -U- 0.0
20. Yackee, Mike (20)…………. NV 719 -U- -U- -U- -U- L14 -U- -U- 0.0