Editor’s Message from the latest edition of the Nevada Chess Bulletin
Editor’s Message
by A. Magruder
The Annual Members Meeting of Nevada Chess, Inc. was held as scheduled on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at the Las Vegas Chess Center, 2560 Montessouri St. Suite 206, Las Vegas NV 89117. The first order of business was tabulating and announcing results of the 2018 election. All officers on the ballot were reelected to a two year term: Allen Magruder, Robert Wheat, Gail Winds and Charles Chinnici. However, Robert Wheat has recently moved out of state, and former director Jerry Weikel was appointed by A. Losoff to serve a one year term as director to complete the seven members of the board of directors.
The following directors volunteered to serve in their current positions with some revisions and responsibilities:
a) A. Losoff will continue as President
b) Juan Juaregui will assume responsibilities as Webmaster of nevadachess.org
c) Juan Juaregui will assume responsibilities as Treasurer
d) Tom Brownscombe will assume responsibilities as Secretary
e) Jerry Weikel will assume responsibilities as Vice President
f) Tom Brownscombe will continue as our Scholastic Chess contact/coordinator
g) Tony Chinnici will continue to serve as principal contact for Northern NV activities and responsibilities
h) Allen Magruder will resign as Treasurer but wishes to continue his two year elected term of office as director and assist other directors with their duties whenever possible and will continue to serve as editor and distribute the Nevada State Bulletin Quarterly issues until the end of the year if needed, but not including the January 2019 Ballot issue.
Finally, we will no longer mail the April and July issues of the Nevada Chess Quarterly Bulletin, and ask all those members who requested a mailed copy to provide an email address where you should be able to find all the information in those issues on our website, nevadachess.org. The membership entry form in this issue provides a space for the email address you choose. All current members will continue to receive by mail the October issue which contains the Call for Candidates for the next election of officers, and the January issue which contains the Election Ballot with the list of candidates.