Annual Members Meeting – March 4, 2010
The annual members meeting of Nevada Chess, Inc. was held at 7 pm on March 4, 2010 at the Clark County Chess Club. Attendees included: Allen Magruder, President; Charles Hatherill, Director; Dan Conver, Director; and John Trivett, member.
Magruder called the meeting to order at 7 pm and changed the scheduled (by email) agenda to move the tally of election ballots to first for expediency. Magruder opened the seven (7) ballots and Hatherill tallied the votes with the following results: all 3 candidates on the ballot, Gordon Barrett, Charles Hatherill and Milivoj Filipas were approved unanimously.
Magruder next summarized the minutes from the last members meeting, March 2009, where certain proposals were approved by the quorum of directors, namely: participants in the State Championship and Team Matches will receive, without cost, an annual members, or an extension of their membership in Nevada Chess, Inc.; directors reaffirmed previous year’s decisions regarding our controbution to our Denker candidate and the rebate to our affiliate from the state scholastic tournament; and these decisions will remain our policy until a change is explicitly proposed and approved by the directors.
Magruder presented a summary of the financial report covering the period 3/6/2009-2/24/2010, including a transaction report showing a balance at beginning of the period of $2,595 and at end of period of $2,412, and an itemized categories report showing income from gifts received ($300), from Nevada Chess, Inc. dues ($213), and from tournament returns ($258); and expenses from bulletin printing, postage and supplies ($308), from tournament awards ($475), and from USCF dues, website service and register with Nevada corporate directors ($175).
Magruder said he will schedule a meeting with directors to determine officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) for 2010-2011 until 2011 elections, and to discuss bids for 2011 state scholastic tournament.
With no other business to discuss, and no quorum of directors present, Magruder proposed adjournment, Hatherill seconded, Conver approved and the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.