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2001 Nevada State Championships
September 29, 2001
Nachum Salman Wins Nevada State Championship
Nevada North Vs South Team Match

The Station House Hotel and Casino in Tonopah was the venue where the Northern Nevada champion David Ryba, who won a series of tournaments and matches in Reno, squared off against the Southern Nevada champion, Nachum Salman, winner of the Nevada Open in June. In game one Salman played the Trompovsky, snatched a b-pawn, and won. In game two Ryba initiated the Saemisch line of the King's Indian and sacrificed pawns and more in a desparate lunge for victory, losing again in 35 moves. Nachum Salman is now the new Nevada State Champion. In a fitting display of camaraderie, the two competing champions had lunch together after game one.

Alongside the State Championship, the annual team match took place. Nine players from each side squared off in a two game match. The perennial past match player, John Trivett debuted on board four, two years after his near-fatal accident. On board two, A player Mike Thurber demolished former state champion Edwin Straver with a Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. Round one saw the South take a commanding lead 6.5-2.5. In round two, the South team took an early 2-1 lead, and most of the games of the Northern players looked bleak, but in the space of a couple of minutes, Grant Fleming, Steve Kesti, and Mike Filipas all took advantage of several blunders made only minutes apart by their Southern counterparts to seize the advantage and win the second round 7-2. Final score: North 9.5 - South 8.5. The big ol' honkin' trophy travels back to the North. Individual scores:
Brd South North
1 John Carr (X) Jerry Weikel (X) 1.0-1.0
2 Mike Thurber (A) Edwin Straver (X) 1.0-1.0
3 Alan Amici (A) George Fischer (A) 1.0-1.0
4 John Trivett (A) David Peterson (A) 1.5-0.5
5 Carmelo Fabia (B) Grant Fleming (B) 0.0-2.0
6 William Stevens (C) Steve Kesti (C) 1.0-1.0
7 Peter Racoma (C) Mike Filipas (C) 1.0-1.0
8 Ron Plattner (D) R. Child (D) 0.0-2.0
9 Mike Patraw (D) R. Arteaga (D) 2.0-0.0