2001 Pressman All-America Chess TeamTwo Nevada Chess Players Earn SpotsCongratulations to Philip Wang (age 17, rating 2325) of Reno and Patrick Hummel (age 16, rating 2410) of Las Vegas on qualifying for the 2001 Pressman All-America Chess Team sponsored by the Pressman Toy Corporation of New York, NY.The complete text of the U.S. Chess Federation press release follows: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
The U.S. Chess Federation has announced the names of the junior players who have qualified for the 2001 Pressman All-America Chess Team. The 25 players on this year's team have met age and rating criteria that place them in the top one percent of more than 46,000 of their fellow scholastic and youth members. The Pressman Toy Corp., of New York, N.Y, sponsors the Pressman All-America Chess Team each year. This year marks the ninth consecutive year of corporate sponsorship for the annual team contest. Each team member will receive an official 2001 Pressman All-America Chess Team jacket, plus a special Certificate of Achievement.
The United States Chess Federation, founded in 1939, serves as the governing body for chess in the United States and is devoted to extending the role of chess in American society. It promotes the study and knowledge of the game of chess, for its own sake as an art and enjoyment, and as a means for the improvement of society. The USCF is a not-for-profit membership organization, with nearly 90,000 members. For additional information about this or other chess events, contact Marketing Director Joan DuBois at media@uschess.org. You may write to the U.S. Chess Federation, 3054 NYS Route 9W, New Windsor, NY 12553, call (845) 562-8350 or fax (845) 561-2437. World Wide Web: http://www.uschess.org. |